Age Of Puberty in Girls

Adolescence lasts two years. By adolescence I mean the process of growth at a rapid pace before maturity. The young girl is mature for the first time ever. There is no such a definite symptom in men. That’s why we are going to talk about girlsteenage days first. The idea that the menstruation must start at a definite age is wrong. In most girls, puberty starts at age eleven and becomes regl after two years. But some of them enter puberty at the age of nine. Some children wait until they reach thirteen to find them. There are children who rarely meet at the age of seven, and children who do not have any symptoms when they reach age fifteen.

The girl does not show that her child’s early or late bladder hormones are not working regularly. It is best to admit that he is matured according to a heavier or faster development program. This program is something born. It is also thought to be genetic. Let’s examine the situation of a normal girl who has reached the age of eleven. This child grew four or five inches a year when he was seven or eight years old.

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When it comes to nine years old, maybe it is three centimeters. The nature prints the brakes. Suddenly, at the age of eleven, the brakes are empty. Within two years, seven and a half and eight centimeters will last. The obesity rate has increased compared to the old, but the child does not get fat. To ensure this development, the child’s appetite has increased tremendously.

But there are other things in the meantime. At first the chest expands and becomes more pronounced. Then the whole chest starts shaping. One and a half years, the chest is a form of honor. Rounded in the last six months. Once the breasts start to develop, the fur starts to rise in certain places. Extensibility. Changes will occur.

Psychological changes are also present. Because of emotional and somatic changes, in this period all the interest of the child is directed towards him. The child feels despicable. He is deeply saddened by any lack. If they have cracks, they sincerely believe that they are ugly. A small change in his or her body or health is enough to convince him that it is different and abnormal from other females. It changes so rapidly that it does not recognize itself. Neither new body nor new feelings can masterfully be used. It breaks when criticized. Because she feels like a mature woman, her family and everybody wants to see this treatment. Sometimes he wants to hear his childhood, to be protected and to have compassion.

His sexual feelings make him nervous. He has no idea what these are. Romantic and emotional in his behavior towards people. But he is not yet able to show these feelings to a man. It is more likely that she falls in love with a female teacher or a novel hero. For this reason, girls should be friends with each other throughout childhood and men should be natural enemies.

Gradually these old feelings of hostility disappear. The girl first likes a movie star. Then a boy, about two years older than him, will begin to enter the dream. But it must be a long time before he can show it to him.
He gets his first birthday at the age of thirteen. Now you have a whole body of women. He has gained the height and weight that he will keep throughout his life. From this moment on, its development slows down rapidly. Now only three or four inches will be out. In many girls, regl is seen as irregular and frequent during the first years. This is not an illness. It shows that the body is getting used to something new.
Adolescence can start at various ages.

We were talking about a normal girl child up to now. Most girls find it either earlier or later. A girl who is eight to nine years old is embarrassed that her child is long and feminine compared to her classmates. But that is not the case for every child. It depends on whether the child wants to grow up and whether he can agree with his friends. A child who likes her and loves her better will be similar to her, even if it is not to be different from her classmates. On the other hand, a child who hates to be a girl because she is stupid of her brother or is afraid to grow up is in a great pain.

The rest of the girl will be upset. When a child reaches thirteen years old, a girl who is still unfamiliar becomes disturbed by seeing her friends grow up and become feminine. He is still in the age of rapid growth before the meeting. He thinks he’s a poor, poor boy. She thinks it is abnormal. It should be said to him that it is unimportant and that he will certainly develop like any other girl.

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