Gaining Losing Weight Mens Clothing Menswear Alterations Adjustments Style Fashion Advice

Gaining & Losing Weight & Men’s Clothing Menswear Alterations & Adjustments Style Fashion Advice Hi, Iím Carl Centeno. The founder of ìReal Men, Real Styleî and today weíre going to be talking about weight fluctuation and how to deal with it in menís clothing. All right, if you havenít make sure to comment our You Tube my blog. You can do that by clicking the button above, in addition if you enjoy this post, if you find it useful please like it below. Itís really important to us. Lets me know if this post is useful and if I need to go deeper in to the subject and it makes us feel good too. So all right, [Laughter the question we received is what do you do when your weight fluctuates? Say a man starts building his wardrobe when heís 70 kilos and then he gains a ton of weight for some reason and ends up at around 90 kilos. Naturally his clothes wouldnít fit him anymore and therefore the investment he made when he was 70ís is rendered null until he loses the weight. Same goes for someone that starts off at about a 100 kilos and goes on a diet exercise and ends up at around 70ís. So whatís the correct protocol here? How to deal with the weight fluctuation? Okay so we threw our kilos, just double it for pounds.

Gaining Losing Weight Mens Clothing Menswear Alterations Adjustments Style Fashion Advice Photo Gallery

But basically what weíre seeing is a wide shift in weight loss and weight gain. So we ñ I had a number probably once a week I get a phone call. Weíve had a gentleman, letís say he was at 300 pounds. Heís down to 220 pound or weíve got another gentleman. Heís you know when he was younger, football player he was at 220 now heís up to you know closer to 300. So when you have things like this, this is a huge weight fluctuation. If you do with this in percentage weíre talking about 25% you know to 10%. Anytime youíve got 10 to 25% body you know shift one thatís dangerous. So you know the best advice that even though you know it may not apply because you canít control it is to keep your weight the same. Now I fluctuate between 5 pounds in summer and winter. I live in Wisconsin. Itís hard to get outdoors when itís negative 30 outside so I canít exercise this much.

But overall I try to keep my weight pretty stable because I understand that itís just healthy. But Iím sure you know this and question is Carl I understand this, what can I do about the clothing? Well thereís a reason why custom clothiers are in business is because this is one of our best customers. Heís the man who has gained so much weight that his clothing will not fit him. And this is ñ thereís three reasons, there are three things you need to pay attention to when it comes to clothing and how you can get it adjusted. One, is there a fabric in there? So if you gain, every plate depends on your height but every usually 10 to 15 pounds, youíre going to increase a size. So if you gain 30 pounds, youíre suit jacket probably were not two sizes and when this happens youíre going to be very limited. Probably youíre going to need a whole another suit because thereís not going to be enough fabric in the jacket to open it up. In addition there is the issue with proportions. So you know if I were to open up the jacket. Is it going to look proportionally right? And actually proportions happen a lot more or the limitations of proportions whenever you get losing weight because technically I mean a guy could lose a 100 pounds and I could take his jacket and make it fit him but the pockets are going to be in the wrong place. It just not going to look right, the lapels are going to be too large for his new body size. There is just going to be a number of issues that proportionally that jacket is not going to look right and itís going to be a better investment for him to buy a new jacket.

The last thing is going to be the skill of the tailor. So if you live in the middle of nowhere and you donít have access to a skilled tailor or seamstress, you may have issues. On the other hand, if youíve got somebody whoís got really great skills you know itíll may cost you a pretty penny but you can usually get them to make some really good adjustments of the jacket. But then again there are limitations with the clothing. Iíve heard of men who you know throughout their lives they know theyíre going to gain 50 pounds, lose 50 pounds. They actually have two sets of clothing and they just put one in the closet. You know again I think this is really dangerous and if thereís any doctor out there, maybe they can send me an email. And tell me you know a little bit ñ point me towards the research so I can send this on my clients. But no seriously I know not everyone can control this. Iím dealing more with the clothing aspect but there are limitations. Itís an expensive fix and you know the best advice is to try to you know find that weight in which itís the closest to where youíre going to hover around and make sure your clothing fits you for their. If youíre going to heir on anything go with clothing thatís maybe a little bit bigger because itís always easier to make clothing a bit smaller than it is to make it a bigger especially shirts.

Obviously thereís no fabric in there. You canít make a shirt any biggerÖ Öbut again if you got a big weight fluctuation. This is a hard fix and something that could have been expensive for you. So Iíve laid out a few options of having two sets of clothing, having access to a clothier. They can adjust it but when it comes to things like shirts or trousers or items in which you know itís going to be less fabric in there. Youíre going to find it that youíre going to have two sets. Okay, hopefully that answered the question. And if you enjoyed what you learned today, make sure to go to ìReal Men, Real Styleî because Iíve got tons of other you know articles there in addition will give away a free 47 page e-book which I think youíll really enjoy. Take care. Ba bye.

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