Best At Home Exercise Equipment For Weight Loss

Take the best road to success

Many people have sacrificed everything to reach their goals, only to find that the rewards were not worth the price.

An all-pro football player, who blamed steroids for causing the cancer that took his life, once said the prize was not worth the price.

I’m not saying that you should not do everything that you reasonably can to achieve your goal. But sometimes the price is just too high.

If you use your alpha level, and a little bit of common sense, you can achieve greatness without paying too high a price.

Here is my formula for accomplishing this:

Set your goal, using your alpha level, and give it everything you’ve got. If you are repeatedly blocked from reaching your goal, then step back and analyze the situation, at your level. If things keep getting more and more difficult for you, perhaps you are on the wrong path.

I like to put it this way:

If you are trying to open a door that leads to your destination, and the door will not open even after repeated attempts, then step back and look around. Is there another door that could be going to the same destination? Then try that door. Maybe it will open for you.

When I’m working on a project and I encounter an obstacle, I do whatever is necessary to get past that obstacle. That takes a certain amount of time and effort.

When I encounter another obstacle, I do whatever is necessary to get past the second obstacle.

That takes a certain amount of time and effort. I notice whether it took twice as much time and effort as it took to get past the first obstacle, or half as much time and effort.

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Then I proceed toward my goal.

When I reach the third obstacle, I again do whatever is necessary to get past this third obstacle. If it takes twice as much time and effort to get past this third obstacle as it did to get past the second one, and the second one took twice as much time as effort as the first one, then I figure that maybe I’m going in the wrong direction.

If that is the case, then I enter my level and analyze the situation. I check to see if some other way for me to proceed exists. If I notice another way to proceed toward my goal, I try it.

Then, when I encounter an obstacle, I again do whatever it takes to get past it. If the next obstacle requires only half as much time and effort to overcome, I feel that I’m on the correct path. And when I’m on the correct path, the obstacles become progressively less difficult to overcome, until soon it is smooth sailing.

This approach works when you spend enough time at your level. At your level, it is easier for “higher intelligence” to help you and guide you. We believe that this is the way that higher intelligence guides us. It nudges us in the correct direction by placing obstacles along the wrong path and clearing the way on the correct path.

Persist – but remember that we do not batter down doors. If a door will not open, look for another door. There might be a better way for you to get into that room Perhaps you have always wanted to be a star tennis player, but you are only average at tennis and are a superior golfer. Then become a golf champion!

Persist, and be practical. Set your goals, and accept guidance from higher intelligence. Do these things, and you will succeed.

Never give up, and you will break through into glory by Ed Bernd Jr.

We all need a support system – people who will be there to help us and encourage us when we need it. And we, in turn, can help and encourage them

Nothing in the world is more valuable than this, because nothing in the world is more important than people.

Not winning. Not fame. Not fortune. Nothing is more important than people. You never can tell, when you say or do something, how much of an impact you will have on another person’s life.

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