Eye Contact Rules How Eye Contact Conveys Interest Trust Attraction Eye Contact Culture

Eye Contact Rules How Eye Contact Conveys Interest Trust & Attraction Eye Contact & Culture Hi! I’m Carl Centeno, the founder of this style blog. Today, we’re going to be talking about the rules of eye contact. If you haven’t already, please comment to our my blog.

Eye Contact Rules How Eye Contact Conveys Interest Trust Attraction Eye Contact Culture Photo Gallery

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When I went to business school at the University of Texas, a lot of my friends were from all over the world, from China, from Japan, from India, from Brazil, and they had different ways of expressing themselves and different ways of conveying what they meant whenever they were speaking. I found it was very difficult for a number of my friends from China and Japan to look directly at people when they were talking, especially if they were in from a group or they were speaking with a professor. This isn’t something that shows that they were weak. It simply is a cultural difference, so that’s something you’ve got to be very aware of as we become more of a global world and you start to interact with people. I think one of the sayings in the United States is that the eyes are the window to the soul. I don’t know how true that is because you’ve heard about these serial killers or these people that are just absolutely crazy that will lie right to your face and they look incredibly sincere. What I’m going to get to though is talk about some of the rules from a North American perspective mostly in business, but I also think in general context. So if you’re going to be talking with somebody, good eye contact is important in the United States. You want to have about two to four seconds when you begin the conversation. If you’re meeting with a group of people, you want to give them all the same courtesy, so you don’t want to give somebody four to eight seconds of eye contact and then this person half a second, and then this person three seconds. You want to try to make it even and this really comes down to not that you have a stopwatch and you’re timing it, but you simply give everyone the same show of respect. Next, you’re going to want to make sure that you show gestures, that you blink normally, that you smile, that you do everything that you would normally do because if you just stare at the person and you don’t blink and you have no expression, it comes off as a stare, and stares are rude in the United States especially for a prolonged period.

It almost becomes like a gaping stare. Also, as the conversation is going on, 50% of the time that’s kind of the number I shoot for, but give or take a pretty good healthy percentage, depending on what your style is you want to be looking at the person in the eye to show that you have interest, to show that you can be trusted, to show that you’re paying attention. And then the other 50%, there’s nothing wrong with looking off a bit and kind of going into a pensive thought or perhaps you want to take notes or write something. In this modern day and age and actually pulling out your electronic device if the person says something, let them know that you’re not going to answer a call here, but, Oh, that’s a good point. Do you mind if I take a quick note? I take that as a compliment whenever somebody is talking and they want to take a quick note down or a reminder to follow up on something. Basically, what I’m getting at is avoid staring and you want to give eye contact to show interest, to relay trust. If you’re out there and you’re in the market, eye contact as you probably know is well, even if you’re not on the market, you still old habits die hard, but you’ll find that you can display interest in a person by conveying a little bit longer, that little bit of extra glance. At this point in this post, I really would like to hear from you guys because I know you come from all over the world. I know I’ve missed a lot of rules when it comes to specific cultures and I would like to hear some of your rules. So if you’re over in India, if you’re over in China, if you’re over in Japan, if you’re down in Brazil, if you’re over in New Zealand, if you’re in the UK, leave a comment down below. I’d love to hear how eye contact works in your culture. At the end of the day, be sensitive to other people because you may run into children normally and it’s harder for them to make eye contact.

I try to, whenever I’m talking with young children or meeting teenagers even, explain to them the importance of it and kind of use it as a lesson with my son. I’m always explaining that you need to make eye contact with people, that it’s very important. If you’re a man, be aware that oftentimes women will not make eye contact with you because perhaps she’s married and she just doesn’t want to. She’s very modest and she doesn’t want to come off as she’s making some type of advance. Finally, pay attention to culture, very important as we become a more global world. All right. This has been Carl Centeno with this style blog. I’ll see you in the comments. Bye-bye.

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