Running Weight Loss Tips

Heat Acclimatization

Prior to strenuous exercise or labor in a hot environment, the most important preventive measure involves exposing oneself to exercise- heat stress gradually, on consecutive days. This process, known as heat acclimatization HA, stimulates adaptive responses that improve exercise performance and heat tolerance, and reduce physiological strain and the incidence of some forms of heat illness. These adaptive responses include decreased rectal temperature Tre, heart rate HR, and psychological perception of effort, plus increased exercise, tolerance time, plasma volume, and sometimes increased sweating rate. It also has been reported that increased sweat sensitivity sweat production expressed per degree rise of Tre and decreased sodium chloride table salt; the chemical abbreviation is NaCl losses in sweat and urine occur during HA, but these adaptations are dependent on environmental conditions and sodium levels in the diet. Tablepage can be used to identify the organs and systems that adapt during HA. These include the heart, blood, sweat glands, kidney, hormones, and temperature regulatory organs figure

Adaptation Days of heat acclimatization

Heart rate decrease Plavoj volume expansion Rectal temperature decrease Perceived exertion decrease Swat Na’ and concentration decree Sweat rate increase Renal Na and Cl concentration decrease

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Plateau days of Physiological Adaptations Point at Which Approximately of the Adaptation Occurs During Heat Acclimatization The results of these physiological adaptations, explored in detail below, are a improved heat transfer from the body’s core to the skin, and ultimately to the external environment, and b improved cardiovascular function that copes with the dual stressors of dehydration and decreased blood volume to inner organs due to increased skin blood flow. Tablesummarizes the results of numerous HA investigations published during the last years. The horizontal bars represent the range of days required for each specific adaptation to achieve approximately of its maximal response in healthy, well-nourished, adequately hydrated adults. Four concepts emerge from this table. First, HA is a complex of adaptations, involving many organs and systems of the body, that serve to enhance heat dissipation and reduce cardiovascular strain. Second, the systems of the human body adapt to successive days of exercise-heat exposure at varying rates. Third, this process requires up to days before complete acclimatization is achieved in all systems and organs. Fourth, the early HA adaptations primarily involve an improved control of cardiovascular function, due to expanded plasma volume, reduced heart rate, and autonomic nervous system adaptations habituation, which redirects cardiac output more effectively to skin capillary beds and active muscles. The plasma volume expansion is an extremely important early adaptation, which ranges from to and results in a decrease in heart rate. This occurs as a result of a plasma protein increase, causing retention of water in the circulation. It apparently is a temporary response, which decays after – days, as do the fluid-regulatory hormone responses, and then is replaced by later, long-lasting adaptations such as increased sweat rate and diminished skin blood flow. The sweat and urine NaCl conservation shown in tablevia the hormone aldosterone also contribute to the expansion of plasma volume, by increasing the total volume of extracellular fluid. This, in effect, reduces cardiovascular strain despite ongoing dehydration and competition for cardiac output between contracting muscles and skin capillary beds.

The following recommendations are offered to assist you in optimizing your HA efforts:

. Exercise with a partner during the initial days of HA training and on very hot days.

. When moving from a cool to a hot environment, or when moving from a hot- dry to a hot- wet environment, you will find it difficult to perform strenuous workouts that you previously completed in less stressful surroundings. Rather than accept a slower pace in the heat, it is preferable that your high-intensity training be conducted in the cooler air of early morning to allow muscles and other organs to experience rigorous training.

. Monitor Tre during or immediately after HA training, to ensure that your body temperature remains within safe limits less than C, F. Use a glass rectal thermometer, purchased at a pharmacy, that reads high body temperatures over C, F.

. You can partially accomplish HA by exercising in a heated room or wearing insulated clothing, but do not stifle heat dissipation totally. Take care to avoid extreme hyperthermia and heat illness by measuring Tre.

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