The Bow Braid Hairstyle

Oh hello I’m here today with sunny it is more fun to have somebody in the post, I love it, I love when you join me. So thank you for hello joining you thank you and today I’m going to be showing you guys how to create this really beautiful bow braid it is not really bows but it kind of looks like both of those Legos.

So, I thought it would be a cool name to name this hairstyle it is a perfect hairstyle for it some kind of a glam occasion date prom school dance, I do not know what else and, I think when you when you add the flowers is something to me very fancy actually even more one yeah a wedding if you are attending a wedding and you are Brighton AIDS literally any fancy occasions. So are you guys ready to see the hairstyle I’m ready okay what’s doing it alright. So let’s do it Zhanna can ask you to hold the hair mistress just here.

So I’m just going to start off with brushing the top part of zhanna’s hair. So just at the crown brushing the hair at the crown and then Sonya I’m going to ask you for one hair elastic I’m just going to put this in my mouth while, I gather her hair is just very helpful it just makes it harder to talk okay I’m going to bring all the hair to one side which is going to be the left side first and then I’m gonna grab my hair elastic like that I’m going to put this over this ponytail split the hair right above the ponytail and pull the ponytail through that opening just like that then we are going to just push this hair up and then I’m going to go into this beautiful twist around hair style and grab on the left section fan it out on the right section just make it all effortless and fluffy and I’m probably going to go back in there and fix it later but for now I’m happy with it. So now I’m going to grab all of the hair.

The Bow Braid Hairstyle Photo Gallery

So some hair from the left bring it to the right combined it with the hair from the right and I’m going to be really careful because Annie’s wearing here it is not just. So, I want to make sure that I’m not showing any of the weft. So as, I grab the hair I’m just considering that, I do not want to expose any of the rest all right.

So I’m gonna combine these two sections together like. So maybe just add a bit more hair from the left it can be quite thick okay. So I’m happy with that son it was thank you it is a good team work that I’m going to bring these two together put it in a hair elastic and then I’m going to do the same thing here.

So, I do not want to do it where the opening or it is I’m just going to actually create a new opening probably right here. So create in your opening and then pull that through the opening. So just taking the ponytail pulling it through the opening then tightening this ponytail just by pushing the hair from the bottom and then I’m going to go back in to this beautiful hair cell and pull on this section to make it more effortless and loose just like that alright looks beautiful again I will probably fix everything in the end but for now, I won’t overdo any of this alright.

So as you can see, I started one on the left one on the right then I’m gonna do the left again and, I will start with bringing hair from the right to the left just like that combining with the left section all into a nice ponytail just like, I did before thank you sign into and a lot of you actually ask is Ani is Latin for the lot things of you reading yes Lana is laughing Lana can you say something in Latvian say takes a physique this what was that can you translate for the English speakers like myself, I had to meet you all the Latvian people that’s awesome it sounded very complicated I’m not gonna attempt or do you try oh yeah bazookas oh yeah, I gotta practice first the guy you got to get me prepared for them alright. So I’m gonna do the same thing here bring the hair through the opening then push it up just like that lovely and then you are going to go into this and pull on the strands the best part is that it can be messy it can be different you just create kind of what you want to see you can do less or more totally up to you alright. So we are going to create just a few more following the same pattern.

So I’m going to bring hair from the left to the right combine this together and then secure it in a ponytail again thank you how do you say sync thank you and lets me how this had this alia all this good that’s easy does it see you guys we are learning something new yeah you like that one that’s quite enough you guys use Chow as a high or as a bi yeah it is like high or bias. So just like Italian oh yeah sweet ciao okay. So we have got one more push this up not too high and then pull it out and especially if you have highlights in your hair like Sonia does or if you wear extensions with highlights then it is gonna give it a really beautiful effect like you can see now I’m just going to do probably two more and again I will probably go in after and fix everything up.

So I will just do one we are here. So bring it from right to left what does this sound like in here this to me sounds like Russian really it sounds like a Russian word but it does not mean anything else because we do not have that word around Paolo this pasta okay. So I’m gonna do the same thing now that.

I’ve secured it pull it out and then I’m just gonna do one more at the very bottom here and the last one just going to bring it all together put it into the lovely hair elastic split the hair above the hair elastic create an opening pull the ponytail through the opening push this up like. So and then just open all of this up lovely alright. So I’m pretty much finished with this hairstyle I’m just gonna go back and restyle it just a little bit and then I’m gonna add some flowers alright.

So I will just go in and, I usually just go in and kind of refix just make it a bit more bigger, I do not use the word effortless again but it you want it to look like it was just meant to be that way that it is not overdone. So you can’t really see last dates you can’t really see what’s going on here is just this really beautiful pups like that again just do not need it for the bottom ones cuz they are really quite poofy and now this is an optional step, I have some pretty core nations here is anything, I ask the whole vision thank you it was. So good.

So I will be just adding these. So what, I did is, I just cut them and, I left a bit of the stem which, I need to kind of tuck it into the hair and because, I have six different sections here I’m just gonna literally take the flower kind of insert it in the hair and then fluff the petals of the flower. So as, I insert it, I fluff it up and voila and that’s it and then I’m gonna do one more maybe a flop the petals before you put it in thank you one more here and the very last one in the last section.

So beautiful now this is the kind of thing you can do if you are going to school dance if you go into a prom if you are going to some kind of a fancy event where you want to feel all good and up otherwise of course without the flowers, I think is beautiful enough as well. So that’s that’s it and that is all for today thank you guys. So much for tuning in Zanna did you have fun, I loved it, I did this more often yes and now you need to go somewhere fancy yeah all right guys thank you.

So much for tuning and when you recreate this beautiful bow braid make sure to hashtag us on hair because then we will feature your laksa here Instagram. So you just need to hashtag Loxy here as well as hashtag Luxy bow braid okay thank you again for tuning in thank you we love you bye the bow braid okay. So now you are ready I’m ready I’m ready.

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